Thursday, April 9, 2009

Reflection Logo Design

  1. What significant changes has your logo gone through? I have done a lot of changed with the background and adding and taking away different things to try to make my design better. For example I have been experimenting on what the beaver is standing on, or how he is holding the words.
  2. Why did you make these changes? I made these changes or tried them because I wanted to make my design better. But I also tried some of the stuff because that was some of my feedback that I got.
  3. How much more work needs to go into the logo? What more do you need to do? (Please check criteria) I don't think I really need to add much more. I have made all the changes or at least tried the changes that people thought I should make when I was getting my feedback.
  4. What questions do you have? Where do we go from here. Like is there a way we could have it be like a poster type thing?

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